living room with giclee prints

This is the official online art store of Masahiko Yokota, an extremely rare pastel artist in the world and historically, who lives in Sapporo, Japan, who works with soft pastels and colored pencils on large paintings like Odilon Redon, the master of pastel painting.

In this store, giclee prints are produced from scanned pastel originals and sold online.

Many people have purchased these giclee prints and they have been very well received!

Giclee prints are printed by a pigment printer and have a lightfastness of 200 years in normal exhibition.

The overwhelming vividness and quality of the prints are astonishing, beautifully reproducing the power of the pastel originals, even in small prints.

The prints are available in A4 and A3 sizes. Click on the image to the right to see an enlarged view!

I invite you to experience these giclee prints, which can only be appreciated by holding the actual prints in your hands!

Go to Masahiko Yokota's home page

Da Vinci Raiment Pictures

The vividness and luxury of Masahiko Yokota's giclee prints are completely different from those seen on a computer or smartphone, and leave the viewer convinced and amazed that "this is not just a print,

They make the viewer feel confident and surprised that "this is not just a print, but a work of art.

Please take a look at this sample! Click on the image to enlarge it!

You can see the difference between the German etching and the Museum Etching.

If you look at the German etching under magnified detail, you can see that the texture of the picture skin is a little coarser. 

Printed on Hahnemühle  Museum Etching Printed on Hahnemühle Museum Etching
◆Printed on Hahnemühle Museum Etching
This paper has a finer surface than German etching and prints finer and more exquisite details.
This paper has been most widely used for etchings housed in museums around the world!

◆Printed on Hahnemühle German Etching
Although the surface is a little coarser than that of museum etching,
the charm and flavor of the paper itself can be enjoyed!
This paper has been loved by the most professional printmakers and artists in the world!

Go to Masahiko Yokota's home page


I have started to sell original pastel paintings! We sell these works of art.

Acanthus Flower  Pastel on paper
Acanthus Flower 73.4cm x 53.8cm Pastel on paper

 I have been experimenting with various things such as creating artworks by using the AI system such as ChatGPT for the past year, and have not been able to present any new works for a long time,

but I finally completed a work on 10 May 2024.

 The title is 'Acanthus Flower'.

 For the meaning, please look up the language of acanthus flowers.

 This will give you a clue to understanding the work, but of course it is only part of the overall meaning of the work.

 As I always say, the meaning is also something that the viewer can create for yourself through your own imagination and interpretation.

 As usual, the materials are soft pastels, coloured pencils and paper, but this time I used CANSON Mi-Teintes paper, the most famous pastel paper in the world, instead of the Mermaid paper I usually use.

 The reason is that I have a large stock of Mi-Teintes and it is time to use it here!

 The durability and strength are almost the same, of course, Colour on pastel paper has its good and bad sides.

 This piece is smaller, at 73.4cm x 53.8cm, half the usual A0 size.

Time to create paintings is also shorter, from a quarter to a fifth.

 The reason is not just the small size.

 Influenced by the Matisse exhibition at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Ueno, Tokyo. last year and spent one year developing a drawing method that allows me to create more sophisticated and highly specialised works in a shorter time.

I will be selling works of this size to anyone who wants to buy them.

 So here's an important announcement: we are going to produce as many pieces of this size as possible from now on!

 And I will sell them to anyone who wants to buy them.

 I don't sell my regular A0 size paintings unless there is a strong demand to buy them, as I keep them for large my solo exhibitions, but there are many people who really want to buy original paintings, so I will sell these half size paintings at a price that is affordable to the general public.

 The minimum price for an A0-size work is more than 7300 dollar, but please consider this half-size work to be around 15,000 dollar, including postage, with the work attached to a wooden panel in the manner of Japanese painting.

 The reason for attaching the work to the wooden panel in the Japanese painting method is that the panel is lined with Japanese paper(和紙 washi) and the pastel painting is glued to only one part of the panel with shoji glue(障子糊), so if the work deteriorates over time, it can be removed without damage by soaking the glued part in water (see reference page).

if you would like to buy one, please contact us now

 I will be producing several pieces a month from now on, so I am planning a three-day sale in a few months' time, but we will be selling more and more pieces as they are completed, so if you would like to buy one, please contact us now.

 If you contact us in one of the following ways, we will discuss the price and shipping method directly with you, either online or in a classroom at Sapporo Web Programming School in Japan.

I am always open to individual meetings regarding the purchase of work in the classroom or online!

 I can show you the original artwork in the classroom at Sapporo Web Programming School, or if you are far away, we can show you the details and explain them to you online using ZOOM.

 If you would like to have an individual discussion about purchasing artwork in the classroom or online, please feel free to contact us and discuss.

Sapientia, 4th stage, Anima of Wisdom.
Tibetan Dance framed image
Sapientia, 4th stage, Anima of Wisdom.
A4framed picture180USDA3framed picture240USD


A4framed picture180USDA3framed picture240USD
Firecracker framed Phoenix, round in body, square in mind 
A4framed picture180USDA3framed picture240USD
Phoenix, round in body, square in mind
A4framed picture180USDA3framed picture240USD

all see art works

The paintings are just so beautiful that I want to hang them up and look at them forever

I want you to buy it just for that reason.

What makes my work unique is that it is just beautiful.

Redon, Madame Arthur Fontaine
Redon, Madame Arthur Fontaine
 I only hope that those who think so will purchase and display them for that reason alone!

I think it is important to know that the painting or print you are buying is a good investment because it is likely to increase in value in the future, but that is only the second or third reason.

The painter whose talent and qualities are closest to mine is Odilon Redon, a master of pastels and prints from the Impressionist period.

Kunio Motoe, an art critic in Japan , wrote in his book "Odilon Redon," "A master always has what can only be called an innate talent, a genius. Odilon's heavenly beauty of color is also nothing short of genius!

My art works also has those colors.

And they are unique to Redon and me, and can be expressed with only pastels or Japanese paints.

If you lived at the same time as Redon, you would want Redon's paintings of women and flowers in vases because they are purely beautiful.

Wouldn't you want to own those original paintings and look at them every day?
That is why I want you to do the same.
Nowadays, pastel paintings by Redon, as delicate and fragile as butterfly wings, can no longer be transported to museums, and new works are rarely sold at auction.
Today, Redon's works are extremely hard to find and expensive.

However, I believe that this is a reward for those who have purchased them.

I invites you to experience the ideas and ways of looking at things that you have never known before!

Maurice Denis Cézanne Praise
Maurice Denis Cézanne Praise

All of my works reflect the deep thoughts and perspectives on society, life, and things that I have studied since my university days.

For example, my latest work, Sapientia, reflects the ideas of psychoanalyst Jung, who is famous for the terms introvert and extrovert, and Praise for Leonardo da Vinci II reflects the ideas of Sigmund Freud, the discoverer of the unconscious.

Therefore, if you view Masahiko Yokota's giclee prints every day, they will stir your imagination and give you new perspectives, thoughts, and images about life and things.

If you visit my official website or subscribe to my email newsletter, you will see that I have an unusual amount of in-depth knowledge and understanding of literature, art, art history, art history, thought, psychiatry, philosophy, economics, management, and more.

Odilon Redon, whose qualities as a painter are very similar to mine, was respected as a mentor by younger painters of the Navi School and others, who called him "the ideal elephant of our generation, the Mallarmé of our generation, with his profound culture, his musical talent, and his friendly and kind nature.

The picture was painted by Maurice Denis, a member of the Navier School, in praise of Redon. It is Redon explaining the painting to the painters around him.

A contemporary of Renoir, Cézanne, and Monet, Redon painted the unconscious world, the human psyche, the spirit, the wholeness of human existence, literature, stories, and figments of the imagination, whereas these impressionists painted landscapes and nudes.

Redon was called "the explorer of the mysteries of the soul" at the time, and although it is not accurate to replace the mystery of the soul with that of the unconscious, it is easier to understand.

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Praising Leonardo da Vinci 2
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all giclee print on sale
Image link to the consultation page for purchasing original pastel paintings
Link image to jump to the list of works for sale